The background of Greek PM’s visit to the USA – What will be discussed at the crucial meeting with Biden

10:00 - 22/04/2022

After intense processes, due to the situation that has developed with the coronavirus, but also the war in Ukraine that changed the priorities, the prime minister will make the second trip during his term in Washington – The invitation of the American president to the Greek prime minister is particularly important and at first reading shows that the US considers Greece a reliable factor of stability in the wider region

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The background of Greek PM’s visit to the USA – What will be discussed at the crucial meeting with Biden

After intense processes, due to the situation that has developed with the coronavirus, but also the war in Ukraine that changed the priorities, the prime minister will make the second trip during his term in Washington – The invitation of the American president to the Greek prime minister is particularly important and at first reading shows that the US considers Greece a reliable factor of stability in the wider region

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