Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής: Ο Ντουέιν Τζόνσον ψηφίζει Μπάιντεν (vids)
09:56 - 29/09/2020
Ο δημοφιλής Αμερικανός ηθοποιός Ντουέιν Τζόνσον δήλωσε την υποστήριξή του στους Τζο Μπάιντεν και Κάμαλα Χάρις στις επερχόμενες προεδρικές εκλογές στις ΗΠΑ. View this post on Instagram As a political independent and centrist for many years, I’ve voted for Democrats in the past and as well as Republican. In this critical election, I believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the best to lead our country, and as my first ever (public) Presidential endorsement, I proudly endorse them for the presidential office of our United States. Progress takes courage, humanity, empathy, strength, grit, kindness and respect. Being KIND & RESPECTFUL to one another will always matter. Now we must ALL VOTE, so hi
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